Custom Mould Shape
Capture for Complex
Rehabilitation Seating

Spex provides a suitable customised solution for complex rehabilitation requirements, which typically are fitted with foam-carved solutions which are fitted by carving material away; or foam-in-place solutions which are fitted by building foam up.

An individual’s complex plaster cast can be submitted to the Spex factory for the custom solution to be moulded to. This factory fitting can then be further configured in the field to meet the exacting needs of the complex or asymmetric client.

Spex Seating’s pre-configured seating service references the use of a Spex evaluation system in the field that is configured to each new client, with the cube build mapped as layers on charts that can then be reproduced in the factory.

Whether the shape is captured via a digital scan or physical plaster cast, this capture can be sent to either a Spex factory or specialist, trained fitting centre where the Spex Seating solution can be crafted to match the shape presentation, along with observance of any clinical notes to create a unique seating solution for the asymmetric complex client. An advantage of this factory fitting; is that the Spex cube technology can be further enhanced with the cutting of cubes according to the contours desired, if required.

The main difference is afterwards, where the factory-fitted seating solution provided has a cube technology which enhances the ability to carry out fine-tuning or embrace any seating needs changes that may occur over time.