Faster Results

Spex accomplishes what the seating clinician desires, and what the user needs. Distinguished by high standards of design and clinical evaluation, Spex delivers an uncompromising seating choice packed with clever advantages. The experience of working with Spex Seating provides a blend of form and function.

Spex is essentially made up of a powerful combination of attributes. For the clinician, it transmutes wheelchair seating to a whole new level of providing for the wheelchair user’s specific postural characteristics. Certainly, one part of the Spex personality is about being adjustable and adaptable. After all, it has been created to meet the needs of the widest range of personal seating requirements.

Do you need options when it comes to seating? This is where Spex excels. The Spex range serves all spectrums of seated postures and personal needs. Both Spex and Vigour have outstanding qualities and achieve equally notable postural benefits.

Of course, features without practicality are nothing and this is where Spex makes the difference – particularly in complex circumstances. For example, you can perform on-the-spot changes to the client’s seating settings so easily to optimise the posture and dynamics of the user… saving time, money and resources.

Because of the tendency to get children seated and positioned early in life, we offer seating ranging from 10” wide so the young can be strategically equipped from the start with the merits that Spex brings.

The real treat with Spex is for the person sitting in it. Everything from the foam properties and fabric selection to the highly engineered hardware. This means enjoyable sitting no matter what the conditions are. That is our goal.

Spex Shape

Spex provides a suitable customised solution for complex rehabilitation requirements, which typically are fitted with foam-carved solutions which are fitted by carving material away; or foam-in-place solutions which are fitted by building foam up.

An individual’s complex plaster cast can be submitted to the Spex factory for the custom solution to be moulded to. This factory fitting can then be further configured in the field to meet the exacting needs of the complex or asymmetric client.

The Spex range is the subject of design rights and copyright. Spex Seating places great value on these intellectual property rights and reserves its right to protect them if and where necessary.