Spex Harness Guides

Spex offers two types of harness guides designed to work seamlessly with our range of back supports:

  • Spex Harness Guides: Perfectly suited for back supports 14″ wide or more.
  • Spex Compact Harness Guides: Specifically designed for use when there is limited space, e.g. back supports 13″ wide or less.

Selecting the correct harness guide ensures optimal comfort, safety, and functionality for the user. Harness Guides are recommended to prevent the shoulder straps of an anterior trunk support harness from falling off the user’s shoulders.

Which Harness Guide Is Best?
Spex Harness Guides Spex Compact Harness Guides
Compatible Spex Back Support Spex Back Supports >14″ wide Spex Back Supports <13″ wide
Measurement Spex Harness Guides Spex Compact Harness Guides
Overall Length 216mm 108mm
Overall Width 57.5mm 76.5mm
Depth from Wheelchair 19mm 4mm + 6.5mm nylon washer
Strap Guide Width 33mm 28mm
Connection to Shell Fixed holes Slots
No. of Strap Connections 2 3
Weight 180g 115g
Product Code 1400-6692-000 1400-6693-000